Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fuckity Fuck Fuck - JPJ test

okay today went for the JPJ test thingy. i was there at 10 and i reached home at what 2++???? lama gila babi....started off with the bukit...PASS..woooo..then went to do the parking...park alreadyy...woooo...then as i was turning to come out...the bumper SUDDENLY grew BIGGER.. then it like lightly knock the damn tiang..but the pole didnt drop la, it just swayed ABIT..then stupid JPJ man said ''ahhhh adik, mai sini..sayanggg sangat, hampir adik, hampir, kenapa adik tak reverse lagi...tgk tuh..sikit sgt..okay sign sini,sini, isi ini, okay skrg bawak masuk dalam''

and in my head i was going ''FRGIERGJIORJVNVROGI'' ''okay thank you uncle''. babi betul. my 3 point turning okayy..i like doing that one and the bukit too, cos both are easier than stupid parking..haha..maybe i got excited kot tady...cos my parking rarely menjadi and just now it fit soooo cantikly in the box..i got excited la kot..then my bumper had to bermain manja with that pole. horny car. hahaha.

so then waited like a dungu for the road test plak. i got a lady JPJ. GARANG HABIS orangnya. i went in did the normal checking shit, then as i was about to go, she goes ''pakailah seat belt dulu, u rush nk pegy mana?'' hahahaha..i was soo nervous..i didnt put my seatbelt on...then drive la..half way thru she goes..''eyh awak tak naikkan tingkap eyh'' ..then i see my window is down..then she made me roll it up, with one hand on the sterring...see, im so terer =), but then again i was going at 30km/h hahahaha..wtv la..then first she said ''okay, ikut jalan 2''...then suddenly as im about to go straight into jalan dua, she turns my sterring wheel for me and says ''takpelah, ikut jalan satu '' blardy hell, then she commnt on my paper : tidak berhenti di satu simpangan'' or some shit like that....but whatever la i got 17/20..which means i PASSed my road test. but i have to re-do the stupid parking la...but oh well. atleast road sudah pass =) , and i dont have to bring that stupid manual car on the road with other auto drivers , who are very immpatient and beep their hon the minute the traffic light turns green. I MEAN..weyh lek la dulu org auto.

itu sahaja. but now i dont feel so bad about not passing the parking, cos well idk, i guess im over it. haha. wa pu cher taw la, okay im going to play free games on yahoo now.

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