Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Off and Awayyyy

wohooooo..finally after all the waiting and the struggleeeee , I finally got a place at the International School of Penang also known as Uplands!!! it tookkkk sooo long okay for them to process my application, i had to fax my results (which is understandable) then they wanted like a refferal letter from the principal...waduhhhhh..
1) my school staff is damn blardy lazy
2) principal is never around ,always somewhere fancy like uk/us/ wherever for ''kursus''

i had to go to school like 5 fucken days in a row okayyy to get it done...i broke my own record..i swore for 5 days straight..ahaha..even when i got it done.. i had to swear..hahaha..i dont have a problem with ppl who swear..but they are some ''sensitives'' out there..ahhaha..and if u got a problem with people swearing...then sorry la cannot help u..but u would just have to learn to tolerate la..i mean u cant like..expct everything to be ur way..so give and take la okay macha? haha

hahah..terlari topic..lol.. yeah so i got a place thereee.but the IB coordinator there wants to meet me before i start..maybe he heard about my kecantikan and wanted to see if it were true.HAHAHA..nono..err he just wants to meet me like u know for like a date..hahahaah..nolaaa..shit la y i keep lari-ing topic.. he wants to meet me to like sort of interview me..u know get to know the student before school starts (which is like 24th august for the orientation and classes start on the 25th ,so damn blardy lambat). so i have to gooo alll the wayyyy to penangggggggg .

and yeah, ive got TONS of forms to fill out..pening..lol..i hate that part of school..the ''borangs''..damn u borangs..hahaha

anddd my sports house is Hill House ( Green housee )!! whoop whoop!! my favvv colourrr =) but i hope its like u know a constantly winning house..ahhaha..cos all my life my sports houses were last place (usually la, if not last then close to last)...AHAHA..tough luckk..

and the theatre there is active , so thats something im looking forward to =) and yeah. august. damn.

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